Come on down it’s time to shine

And leave your fears at bay

They aren’t real, illusions guise

It’s time you shared your say


Come on down it’s time to be

Present in life’s grand flow

Centered, balanced, trusting thought

Intuits guiding know


Come on down it’s time to share

Your gifts, your life, your core

Sublime march unique to you

Which opens faithful door


Come on down it’s time to trust

Spirits inspired plan

Gentle nudges of support

Firm foundation to stand


Come on down it’s time to feel

Free your heart, mind and soul

Release the pain, taste the joy

Of playing your true role


Come on down it’s time to love

Life, yourself, your story

You are truth, complete and whole

Birthing perfect glory


Come on down it’s time to live

It surges inside you

Your hopes and dreams need to breathe

And shine their colored hue

Copyright 2013 G. Brian BensonImage

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