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    Amazon #1 Best-Seller! Award-Winning Book!

    New Release!

    Habits for Success – Inspired Ideas to Help You Soar
    A self-help book for an authentic life: Habits for Success was written creatively, consciously and with heart. Using his own growth process, triumphs and hero’s journey, the author weaves authenticity and vulnerability into his habits, ideas and stories to entertain and inspire the reader. They are beacons of light, hope and possibility, which guide the reader to their own personal version of success and happiness while helping give them permission to take their own journey and to build a foundation of strength for the long run.


    Increase your self-awareness, manifest your dreams: Habits for Success is written in laymen’s terms but with an incredible amount of depth, which allows the reader to reach new levels of understanding and growth. It is a wonderful mix of heart, informative ideas and entertaining journey. It is a self-help book that doesn’t feel like one. The insights shared and the tools provided are tailored for life-long success. Author G. Brian Benson offers an informative, inspiring and unique look at growth, self-awareness and success.


    Habits For Success was selected as a Book Excellence Award Winner in the Motivational book category.

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    Male intuition is hard to explain. All men have it, but most either don’t understand it or never effectively develop it. To Brian, it’s absolutely indispensable.

    Phyllis Stuart


    Few of us are brave enough to trust and follow our hearts. I am truly grateful to Brian for being such an inspiration and providing solutions in the most pure and simplistic form. He has been an inspirational guest on my talk show on several occasions and has continued to invite the audience to live life to its fullest potential. I know he will raise the vibration of the reader and provide them with tools and techniques to free themselves from whatever is holding them back.

    Elizabeth Cuckson

    Producer and host of Healing Hearts Radio, author, and inspirational speaker

    Being happy and healthy is not about fitting into the little black dress or owning the latest gadgets. Rather, it is about finding our true, authentic beings. Through his own personal journey, Brian has come to understand this truth and willingly shares what he has learned along the path of his own journey.

    Donna Morin

    M.Ed, CHHC, wellness coach, writer, speaker, founder of Better Off Well

    Brian’s wisdom and positive attitude have been a constant source of encouragement to me for several years. I am so fortunate to have met him in person and realize that what he writes is 100% genuine. Brian lives and writes from his heart. There is no fluff or pretense. His writing is genuine inspiration from a truly inspiring person.

    Katrina Mayer

    Motivational speaker and author of The Mustard Seed Way and Wholarian Vision

    Brian intimately shares his own life, so that others might be inspired and enriched. I have seen his films, read his books and seen him present live, and no matter which form you are lucky enough to be touched by his message, he will make an impact on your life. He is a brilliant combination of all things great and humble, and walks his talk. Brian Benson is the conduit of kindness, and he will be among the greats that motivate others to find their greatness.

    Kat Simmons

    Comedienne, Writer, Producer and Teacher

    In this complex world, straightforward talk that will improve your life step by easily done step, is rare. Brian takes us on yet another ever so worthwhile journey to our own fulfillment. His work exemplifies the old adage that “Just because it’s worthwhile, doesn’t mean it has to be hard to do.” Brian makes it clear in his work that our steps to success can be both fun and easy while at the same time effective. Thanks, Brian!

    Tom Wright

    A Course In Shamanism and the author of One, The Answer, How Anger Makes Me Happy and Be Bad! Do Good!

    Brian’s keen ability to listen to his heart to and follow his intuition has laid the blueprint for all of his successful projects and has served as an example for others to follow. In the modern world where the challenges seem to keep building up and the answers to those challenges often seem farther and farther away, his guidelines for helping everyone develop their own ability to listen and follow their inner wisdom is truly a potent and powerful way to find the guidance we all need.

    Mark Allen

    6x time Hawaiian Ironman World Champion

    Brian’s ability to write from the core of his being sets him apart from other writers. His real life experience and unique insights into what makes people tick and how to motivate and inspire them to better their lives is unique and powerful.

    Dina Proctor

    Best Selling Author

    Brian’s genuine nature and happiness is what makes him an outstanding example of what it means to be a man with heart. He’s an authentic writer who is full of creative ideas that he isn’t afraid to see to fruition. Brian’s message is simple, rewarding and attainable!

    Kristine Carlson

    Best selling author- Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff book series

    G. Brian Benson is a creative, conscious and heart-centered man who isn’t afraid to lead by example to help others.  His books, films and presentations radiate vulnerability, authenticity and inspiration.

    Prince EA

    Viral Spoken Word Artist and Futurist

    Habits for Success” by G. Brian Benson is truly an inspiring read in so many ways and at so many levels. Brian has shared so sincerely and openly his journey in a wonderful holistic way with great insights in learning and understanding the power of your own intuition and how to apply it to your everyday activities. As Business Owner/Coach, President with World Global Network and as an Ambassador in the Direct Sales and Network Marketing Industry with Business for home, I will be strongly recommending it to my whole organization.

    Ghazala Jabeen

    President World Global Network

    G. Brian Benson’s new book outlines, in simple and basic terms, how to build a model for success. “Habits for Success” allows the reader to map out a strategy, use tools to achieve excellence, shows how to handle setbacks and disappointments, and how to build on self-confidence and self worth. I know you will enjoy this book, and I believe you will take away many vital and memorable examples in how to build on ambition and achievement. I highly recommend it!

    Roy Firestone


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