Almost Me

I was almost me
Tried to be like all
Grass thought to be green
Set me up for fall

Chasing a result
Left me feeling bare
Worthiness questioned
Happiness was rare

Incomplete version
Unnatural lull
Focused surface view
My glass was half full

As I searched outside
I would squint to see
Always wanting more
I was almost me

Then I stopped the chase
Listened to my heart
Set aside my fears
Played my truest part

Using what I have
Trusting it’s enough
Letting my light shine
Clearing out old stuff

Being my true self
Weight began to shed
Forward move direct
No more have to tread

Purpose now in sync
Life clearly in flow
Always been complete
I just didn’t know

Sun shining brighter
Gratitude in tow
No more almost me
I was always whole

Copyright G. Brian Benson 2013

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