Brian’s Blog

It Even Rains in LA…

It Even Rains in LA…

You know, it can be really hard to stay positive when life rains down on you unexpectedly. However, I’ve always tried to expect the unexpected, and stay open. I also always try and stay positive no matter what. Well, that’s not always so easy. 

I had recently been living in my place for about a year. I loved it. One day, the owners decided to put it on the market and it sold within the first week! Suddenly, I had to find a new place within 45 days. Well, okay. Not convenient, but not terrible. 

Creating Self Awareness

Creating Self Awareness

Knowledge is power. As we learn, grow, and become more self-aware our world opens up in amazing ways. It’s an ongoing process. We are here to learn and grow and when we are open to that, our lives become much more enjoyable and free. There are always people and situations that come into our lives at just the right moment to help us learn, if we pay attention and listen.

But what if, even when we are trying to always listen from our heart, we just can’t hear the message? What if we find ourselves “bumping into walls” so much that we can’t figure out what it’s about? What if all we feel is our limitations?

Taking a Step Back

It's been a while since I've written. It's not as if I didn't want to, but something would always come up, feel more important, or need immediate attention. I admit there were also plenty of times when I just didn't feel like it, or feel like I had anything to say. I...

At the Risk of Being Judged…

I recently learned something about myself. I learned that I was not as thick skinned as I previously thought I was. My recent book “Steve the Alien” received its first poor review on Amazon. It’s amazing how one bad review can really shake a person’s foundation. Up to...

It’s Never Too Late…

It’s Never Too Late…

It's never too late. Did you know I first started writing "Steve the Alien" way back in 2004? I wrote about half of the story yet couldn't quite figure out how to finish it. I set it down for 3 years and picked it back up and finished it in 2007. I then signed a...

To Be or Not to Be…

-open to change and growth -in your own personal flow -totally owning who are and where you are at in your life -doing things to help yourself stay in life balance -trusting your intuition and working with it -loving and accepting yourself simply for who you are and...

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