Need Some Motivation?

Having a bit of trouble finding ways to get motivated?  Don’t worry; it happens to all of us. Take a look at this handy list and implement its suggestions…you will be back on track in no time! -Watch an inspirational show or movie – Need a quick pick-me-up? Turn on or...

Back in the Saddle Again…

Healing is perfection…healing helps us grow…healing helps makes sense of what sometimes doesn’t always makes sense….and most importantly, healing helps us to move forward. I recently found myself in need of some major healing…for the past few months, I had been...

Something to Think About…

Last week I was feeling a bit under the weather… absolutely no energy and a bit of a sore throat.  I believe it was because I ran myself down.  Some of you might know the routine…you go go go and try to do much and not allow yourself to regenerate.  We all fall prey...

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