An Open Heart…

I recently had my heart opened and awakened by someone that I met and at first it felt magical, exhilarating, amazing and perfect; and then ever so slowly over the course of the next day I began to let doubt creep in because of fearful over-thinking. I began to think...

Flying the Friendly Skies…

I found myself on a plane once again…excited about my upcoming adventure, but anxious about the flight.  I wasn’t always a nervous flyer.  Seems to be something I had picked up during the second half of my life.   Normally I would just knuckle down and go into...

Art Imitating Life

While sitting in acting class today watching a couple of my fellow students perform an exercise; I had one of those little epiphanies that pop up from time to time that really put me at ease and gave me comfort.  Up to that point, in my mind I had felt like I had a...

Sharing in our Growth

You ever have one of those experiences where you stumble across something that totally changes your life?  There is a quote that I really like that says, “We are here to teach what it is that we need to learn ourselves”.  I would like to share with you how that quote...

Finding Comfort During a Stressful Experience

Visualization can be such a valuable tool to help us move through and toward our goals and dreams.  I want to share a brief story with you on how visualization helped me move through a very stressful experience.  I was working as a counselor at a boy’s treatment...

Almost Me

Almost Me I was almost me Tried to be like all Grass thought to be green Set me up for fall Chasing a result Left me feeling bare Worthiness questioned Happiness was rare Incomplete version Unnatural lull Focused surface view My glass was half full As I searched...

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