Fear, fear, fear….what is fear? We hear about it all of the time, don’t we? It plays a huge part in our world, our nation, and in how we live. Fear, in a multitude of varieties, is directed at us daily in our newspapers, the discussions we share with our family and friends, in movies and magazines, and on the evening news. For many people fear is like a 400 lb. gorilla in the room. For others, fear rests quietly on a set of weakened shoulders.
Whatever fear is, it keeps a lot of people frozen in their tracks, from being able to move forward and enjoy life as it is meant to be enjoyed. It makes us begin to question ourselves and operate from our mind instead of our heart and intuition. But you know what? There is absolutely nothing tangible about fear. You can’t go down to the store and pick up a 6 pack of fear. You can’t buy or sell fear on eBay. You know why? Because FEAR IS AN ILLUSION! We create fear in our minds. It is as simple as that. Although fear is an illusion, it is a powerful force that, if we allow it to, can hold us back and keep us from moving forward. That is the key point to remember, if we ALLOW it to. According to Michael Kendall in his wonderful book “A Truthful Opportunity”, “when we allow our fear to step in, to rule our emotions, it begins to dictate our choices. When we perceive the world through fear, fear creates illusion of control. Our choices are being manipulated by the perception of something that does not exist. When we surrender our free will to the illusion that fear has created, we no longer move through the world with intention.”
What to do? Begin to consciously recognize your feelings of fear. The next time fear starts creeping into your consciousness please try to remember it is an illusion. It is our mind, trying to act as a defense mechanism for an ego worried about failing. We have been trained all of our lives, to live through our mind and ego and not through our intuition and heart. When you start to sense fear creeping in (failure, unsureness, how will I do this, what will people think of that) please remember that the fear is not real. Just keep moving forward and focus on the task at hand. It doesn’t matter if it is a baby step, just keep moving forward. This will help settle your mind and keep you focused on your goal, not your perceived fear. And you know what else? The more you keep moving forward, the more your confidence will continue to grow as you begin to get closer and closer to what you want to accomplish. How can you beat that!
like your post…thank you..
Dear Brian,
King Kong is just a movie, you’re right!
Bellow in here is a sample of The Greatness that We become from “LEAVING BEHIND OLD THINKING HABITS”:
¡Papá, Eres Perfecto!
Title: ¡Papá, Eres Perfecto!
Subtitle: Since I Know Your Perfect Way To Love Me, I Do Celebrate Every Minute of My Life
Project ID: 201179
Author Name: Lupita Villalvazo
Pen Name: Lupita Villalvazo
Genre: FAM000000
Author: Villalvazo BOOK AUTHOR
9781452500096 6×9 Perfect Bound Softcover
9781452500102 E-Book
I thank God=The “ETERNAL 100% LOVELY POWERFUL & OMNISCENT DIVINE BEST FRIEND OF MINE” located in everywhere! and specially beats in the center of my chest…for people like you, Brian, Louise Hay, St. Wayne :), Bruce Lipton, Mother Teresa, and many ONE’S, saving the world from “disturbing elements” created by human’s free will NOT TO BE
And Brian, Lupita decided TO BE!
So, come on EveryONE!
Download to you IPOD or IPHONE audio-books from http://www.audible.com
“BE CONNECTED” to Our Source of Perfection.
In Whom
ONLY WONDERFUL things are Possible!
The Gorilla is in the jungle
Casper is just a friendly ghost
Tequila comes from a cactus
Created for?
mmmmm…I can answer this question!
♪ ☼ ♫ TO BE “JOY” ♪ ☼ ♫
In Love,
Lupita Villalvazo
“EveryOne Born to Love
Because EveryOne Comes From Love.”
Hi Brian
Funnily enough, while away on my retreat, my fears were something I had to face. I happened to be reading Neale Donald Walsh’s book – When Everything Changes, Change Everything. He has quite a bit to say about fear, as so many of us fear change! For example, he says that thoughts sponsor all emotions, it is your thoughts that sponsor your fears and nothing else. Emotions come after thoughts (even though many scientists say the opposite). Therefore, change your thoughts and you can change your emotions. In other words, your thoughts create your reality, whether it be distorted, observed or ultimate reality.
But the concept that was new to me from Neale Donald Walsh was this – He says that there is only one emotion, one energy – love. All other emotions are repackagings or demonstrations of the emotion called love. Fear is a demonstration of love. He says that if you did not love yourself, you would not fear for yourself, you would not be afraid of anything, because you would not care if you survived. If you did not love another, you would not be afraid of what might happen to that other, you simply would not care. He goes into more detail but claims that fear and love are the same thing, expressed differently. The only emotion is love expressed in a thousand different ways.
This was new to me, as I had always thought of the opposite of love, being fear. So it’s something to think about.