How Do Others Treat You?

One way that we can learn a lot about ourselves so that we can move forward, is to pay attention to how others treat us.  Are you being treated with respect, courtesy and love; or with indifference, disrespect and disregard?  I realize this is a bit of a harsh...

Back in the Saddle Again…

Healing is perfection…healing helps us grow…healing helps makes sense of what sometimes doesn’t always makes sense….and most importantly, healing helps us to move forward. I recently found myself in need of some major healing…for the past few months, I had been...

Remember When You Were A Kid?

Remember when you were a kid? If you were anything like me, you were lost in a land of make believe, playing a myriad of games and having loads of fun getting absorbed in the moment.  Think back for a second and try to place yourself back on that prized bicycle or in...

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