Remember When You Were A Kid?

Remember when you were a kid? If you were anything like me, you were lost in a land of make believe, playing a myriad of games and having loads of fun getting absorbed in the moment.  Think back for a second and try to place yourself back on that prized bicycle or in...

Dream a little dream…

Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. ”- Harriet Tubman I want you to close your eyes for a few seconds…As you slowly open them; imagine...

Be yourself to free yourself…

Be yourself to free yourself…it really is as simple as it sounds.  For us to be truly free in our lives, I mean truly free, we need to be our authentic selves.  It means not comparing yourself to or wishing you were someone else.  It means you aren’t trying to be or...

Something to Think About…

Last week I was feeling a bit under the weather… absolutely no energy and a bit of a sore throat.  I believe it was because I ran myself down.  Some of you might know the routine…you go go go and try to do much and not allow yourself to regenerate.  We all fall prey...

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