I Will Continue to Love…

I Will Continue to Love…

I will continue to Love…   To set an example. I will continue to Love…   To remind others that it is our true nature. I will continue to Love…   With empathy and understanding. I will continue to Love…   To mend differences.   —– I...
Keep Moving…

Keep Moving…

Recently there was a car parked out in front of my home for five days. It had a flat tire. Having a car parked in front of my residence was nothing new.  It was normal to have cars come and go from that spot; I got used to the variety and the flow.  Seeing that same...

No Place to Hide: My TEDx Talk Journey

As I was making the fifteen-minute drive to Pasadena, site of my impending TEDx talk, I turned on the radio in search of some musical inspiration that would both pump me up and quell my nerves. I knew this day would come when I decided to share my story on the TEDx...

Back in the Saddle Again…

Healing is perfection…healing helps us grow…healing helps makes sense of what sometimes doesn’t always makes sense….and most importantly, healing helps us to move forward. I recently found myself in need of some major healing…for the past few months, I had been...

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