What Motivates You?

What Motivates You?

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” – Og Mandino Thirteen years ago I signed up to compete in what would be my third Ironman triathlon. The previous two were fifteen years prior. I wanted to do this for a...
I Will Continue to Love…

I Will Continue to Love…

I will continue to Love…   To set an example. I will continue to Love…   To remind others that it is our true nature. I will continue to Love…   With empathy and understanding. I will continue to Love…   To mend differences.   —– I...

No Place to Hide: My TEDx Talk Journey

As I was making the fifteen-minute drive to Pasadena, site of my impending TEDx talk, I turned on the radio in search of some musical inspiration that would both pump me up and quell my nerves. I knew this day would come when I decided to share my story on the TEDx...

Remember When You Were A Kid?

Remember when you were a kid? If you were anything like me, you were lost in a land of make believe, playing a myriad of games and having loads of fun getting absorbed in the moment.  Think back for a second and try to place yourself back on that prized bicycle or in...

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