I Will Continue to Love…

I Will Continue to Love…

I will continue to Love…   To set an example. I will continue to Love…   To remind others that it is our true nature. I will continue to Love…   With empathy and understanding. I will continue to Love…   To mend differences.   —– I...

Be yourself to free yourself…

Be yourself to free yourself…it really is as simple as it sounds.  For us to be truly free in our lives, I mean truly free, we need to be our authentic selves.  It means not comparing yourself to or wishing you were someone else.  It means you aren’t trying to be or...

Arizona dreams…

Dreams….we all have them.  They fuel our existence, they let us ponder on a brighter future, and the path to realize them fills our lives with excitement, fulfillment and growth.  I want to share a story with you from an experience I had where I wasn’t sure if I...

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