At the Risk of Being Judged…

I recently learned something about myself. I learned that I was not as thick skinned as I previously thought I was. My recent book “Steve the Alien” received its first poor review on Amazon. It’s amazing how one bad review can really shake a person’s foundation. Up to...

No Place to Hide: My TEDx Talk Journey

As I was making the fifteen-minute drive to Pasadena, site of my impending TEDx talk, I turned on the radio in search of some musical inspiration that would both pump me up and quell my nerves. I knew this day would come when I decided to share my story on the TEDx...

Something to Think About…

Last week I was feeling a bit under the weather… absolutely no energy and a bit of a sore throat.  I believe it was because I ran myself down.  Some of you might know the routine…you go go go and try to do much and not allow yourself to regenerate.  We all fall prey...

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