by gbrianbenson | Jun 1, 2017 | achievement, actor, advice, author, awareness, balance, book, confidence, empowerment, happiness, inspiration, inspired, judgement, life coach, life coaching, lifecoach, love, overcoming fear, peace, peaceful, perfection, personal growth, Self improvement, Self improvement, success, TED Talk, TEDx Talk, trust, workshop
It’s been a while since I’ve written. It’s not as if I didn’t want to, but something would always come up, feel more important, or need immediate attention. I admit there were also plenty of times when I just didn’t feel like it, or feel...
by gbrianbenson | Apr 9, 2014 | Blog
Do you have a special place that you like to go to get away from it all? A place where you can release the mindless chatter and thought patterns that can fill your mind with doubt, anxiety and fear? A place where you can rest, regenerate and reconnect with...
by gbrianbenson | Feb 13, 2014 | Blog
If you are anything like me, you find yourself in what feels like a holding pattern from time to time. At first it really used to bother me…I felt like I was standing in concrete and had nowhere to go even though I desperately wanted to move ahead. I used to...
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