Something to think about……

Last week I was feeling a bit under the weather… absolutely no energy and a bit of a sore throat.  I believe it was because I ran myself down.  Some of you might know the routine…you go go go and try to do much and not allow yourself to regenerate.  We all...

A trip down memory lane…..

Ever had a routine or an experience from your past that seems like it happened just yesterday?  Might have been a time in high school, a job that you had or even a relationship.  While going for a walk the other day, I had a memory from my college days that popped in...

Recollections from my first triathlon race, circa 1987….the road to self-exploration

Summer had arrived and without the confusion of school I was free to train and get acquainted with my new bike.  I was going to milk the next 3 months for all that they were worth!  My training was going well and I was up to swimming 1,800 yds at the local athletic...

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