5 Inspiring Podcast Interviews

5 Inspiring Podcast Interviews

I wanted to share five fantastic podcasts that I had the pleasure of being on recently. I hope that you find as much enjoyment and value listening to them as I did being a part of them. Cheers! Brian...
Something to Share…

Something to Share…

It’s such an interesting time in my life right now as my energy expands and my confidence grows. I find myself constantly hovering between that place of really wanting to be out in the open and share as well as wanting to hibernate some more and continue to allow what...
Boldly Say YES!

Boldly Say YES!

Yes is such a simple yet powerful word.  It can transform lives, move mountains, and change the world.  Saying yes isn’t always easy but it’s worth it.  To say yes requires trust.  Trust in yourself; trust in the hunches that you are receiving and...
Go Love and Be Loved…

Go Love and Be Loved…

Love is a word that has so many layers of meaning. Yet when it is used in the context of “finding love” or “falling in love” a lot of us tend to picture the rosy little bubble of the perfect Hollywood movie ending. There are so many ways to share and fall in love, yet...

The Most Important Things in Life

    I recently had the pleasure of being asked to contribute an answer for the online magazine UpJourney. I think it is a great question to ponder. I hope you enjoy the answers that were shared in this article and that they lead you to think about and ask...

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