Embrace the Pause

Embrace the Pause

It’s easy to feel good about things, and positive and optimistic about one’s future when things are going well. But it’s a whole heck of a lot harder to do that when we go into a dip in the proverbial roller coaster. I like to call this phase the...
Falling Back into Grace

Falling Back into Grace

The world has been challenging lately, especially for those of us who are teachers and mentors and trying to live as examples of positivity and light.   Well, it can happen to the best of us, but I let myself drift into a kind of darkness. Maybe it was the...
It Even Rains in LA…

It Even Rains in LA…

You know, it can be really hard to stay positive when life rains down on you unexpectedly. However, I’ve always tried to expect the unexpected, and stay open. I also always try and stay positive no matter what. Well, that’s not always so easy.  I had...

Taking a Step Back

It’s been a while since I’ve written. It’s not as if I didn’t want to, but something would always come up, feel more important, or need immediate attention. I admit there were also plenty of times when I just didn’t feel like it, or feel...

Where is Your Special Place?

  Do you have a special place that you like to go to get away from it all?  A place where you can release the mindless chatter and thought patterns that can fill your mind with doubt, anxiety and fear?  A place where you can rest, regenerate and reconnect with...

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