Something to Share…

Something to Share…

It’s such an interesting time in my life right now as my energy expands and my confidence grows. I find myself constantly hovering between that place of really wanting to be out in the open and share as well as wanting to hibernate some more and continue to allow what...

That “One Thing”

Through the years, I have had the tendency to be pulled of my path in thinking that “one thing” was the answer to my happiness. It could have come in the form of a woman (relationship), job, pull of the slot machine handle to cure my financial woes or to cross the...

Be yourself to free yourself…

Be yourself to free yourself…it really is as simple as it sounds.  For us to be truly free in our lives, I mean truly free, we need to be our authentic selves.  It means not comparing yourself to or wishing you were someone else.  It means you aren’t trying to be or...

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